Tuesday, October 28, 2014


One of the most persistent misconceptions about vineyard work is that most of it takes place in summer.

Entirely understandable, since grapes, with their luxurious green leaves and delectable sweet fruits, seem the very essence of summer.

But truth be told, in the fall, winter, and spring, a LOT of behind the scenes work goes on.

Most of the summer, we are highly visible in the vine rows, attempting to wrestle rampant vine growth onto an orderly trellis.

In all the other months, our work is more varied.

One small task after the harvest, all of our row netting needs to be removed from the trellis and stored.

To expedite the process this year, I devised this contraption:

Like many of the world's great inventions, it started as pallets, scrap lumber and threaded pipe.

Five acres of bird netting, now spooled, neatly stacked, and stored.

What's on board for November?

Record keeping, trellis repair, equipment maintenance and inventory, weed control.

In December, we'll prune the orchard, and in the vineyard, prune and weigh canes from a random sample of vineyard vines across all six vineyard blocks, to assess this past season's growth, and plan dormant season pruning, which begins mid-January in earnest.

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